Category Archives: Housing Costs

Ottawa’s Mortgage Rules: One Year Later

It was roughly one year ago that Finance Minister Flaherty announced his fourth round of mortgage restrictions in as many years. The reason for these changes was simple: cool down an out-of-control housing market. By tightening lending rules, Flaherty hoped to lower the risk to taxpayers and curb excessive rates of household debt.  Continue reading

A Look at Housing Affordability

How affordable are homes on the Canadian housing market?

This is the question at the top of every mortgage broker and home hunter’s mind. As mortgage rates begin to climb and home prices creep ever higher, industry leaders are keeping a close eye on affordability in an attempt to avoid a bubble.

It’s no secret that more and more houses are being priced out of the range of first time home buyers. This is especially the case in major metropolitan areas like Toronto and Vancouver. With today’s increasingly expensive markets, what does affordability even mean? We asked Robb Nelson of to help better explain this important measure and how it could impact your mortgage rate and ability to buy. Continue reading

Listing This Spring? Sounds Like You Could Use a CMA

Thinking about listing your property this spring? Then now’s the time to request a comparative market analysis (CMA) from your real estate agent. A CMA is an evaluation of listings and sale prices of similar houses in your neighbourhood. Similar to an appraisal in that it provides sellers with an estimate of their home’s market value, a CMA can help you be objective about the true value of your home.  Continue reading

Should You Trust Your Bank?

When it comes to financial advice, including information on the best mortgage rates, who do you turn to? According to a survey released by the Bank of Montreal last Friday, Canadian’s are more likely to turn to their financial institution with money problems than anywhere else. This includes friends, family members, financial advisors and mortgage brokers. Even in the age of social media, younger home hunters and investors admit that the bank is their number one source for financial advice.

But is the bank really the best place to go for unbiased information?

There’s no denying that Canada’s big six banks deserve a pat on the back for their marketing prowess. But it’s important to recognize it for what it is – smoke and mirrors. Banks position themselves as partners in the pursuit for financial success, but at the end of the day that’s not necessarily the truth. While banks aren’t out to suck you dry, they certainly are out to make a profit. At the end of the day, banks are driven to rake in profits in order to please shareholders. Sadly, this is often at the expense of the customer. Continue reading

Housing Slow Down Has Started

The future of Canada’s housing market rests in the hands of the nation’s buyers, or at least that’s what the latest housing stats would have us believe. Signs are everywhere that Canada’s once red-hot real estate market is about to freeze over, thanks to a combination of tighter mortgage rules and increasing consumer debt levels. Not only are home sales grinding to a hault, the long-booming prices are finally starting to drop.

Granted, sales always slow down as the seasons change and the temperature drops. Only time will tell whether or not spring will bring a much needed renewal to a reeling market. Continue reading