Mortgage Term Vs. Amortization

familylendingMortgage Talk Canada

Do you understand the difference between your mortgage term and your amortization period? A frequent source of confusion for potential homebuyers is the difference between a mortgage term and amortization period. A standard Canadian mortgage rate has a 5-year term with a 25-year amortization period. Mortgage Term The mortgage term is the length of time you commit to a low … Read More

Using a Home Equity Loan for Debt Consolidation

familylendingMortgage Talk Canada

Have you considered this popular alternative? The biggest debt you are going to deal with as a property owner is your mortgage. With the right approvals, you are able to borrow against the equity of your house with a home equity loan. What is a Home Equity Loan? This style of loan is somewhat different to a home equity line … Read More

What are Blended Mortgages?

familylendingMortgage Talk Canada

Blend your mortgage to improve your rate. Quite a few people are wondering how to lower their current mortgage costs. Generally, the mortgage penalties you incur to break your mortgage are set up as the greater of three months interest or the value of your Interest Rate Differential. If you’re going to break your mortgage, try and do it when … Read More

Open or Closed Mortgage?

familylendingMortgage Talk Canada

Open or Closed? Do you know which option is right for you? Closed mortgages provide lower interest rates than open mortgages. Nonetheless, open mortgages include a smaller amount of fees. What is a Closed Mortgage? Closed mortgages cannot be prepaid, renegotiated or refinanced prior to maturation without paying a penalty. The majority of closed mortgages do provide a little flexibility … Read More